Aktuelle Ausstellungsbeteiligungen

The exhibition Die Heiligkeit der Handlung. Re-Konstruktionen des Gemeinsamen is initiated by the artist Mandy Kunze and deals with the appreciation of the creative process. In particular, it is not about an exhibition of finished works, but rather about the process towards the completion of them. The process is recorded in documentary form and is displayed accompanying. The artist Mandy Kunze has invited eleven colleagues of hers, where they interact collaboratively and exchange their artistic practices.
Through various insights into the creation of artworks from different disciplines and accompanying workshops, broadly diversified possibilities of experience are to be created at the Zentrum-Ost location.
Exhibition duration: 25.08. – 24.09.22
Participating artists:
Henriette Aichinger (Nebo Klak)
Stephanie Dost
Gustav Franz (Nebo Klak)
Robert Frenzel
Julienne Jattiot
Philipp Kummer
Maria Meyer
Claudia Rößger
Migiwa Shimizu
Thomas Siemon
Irene Wellm

100 Sächsiche Grafiken im Museum für Druckkunst Leipzig

Ausstellung in der Galerie der Stadt Wels vom 6.12.2017 bis zum 21.Januar 2018